The Kingdom of Justice: The Vision of the Lord

Isaiah 6:1-7

Parents, join us as we begin our new sermon series this week, The Kingdom of Justice! During this series in Isaiah, your family will be learning about the biblical definition of justice and exploring how this definition teaches us to interact with God, ourselves, and our communities. Below are a variety of resources that mirror what your student is used to seeing and experiencing in a Vintage Kids classroom. Feel free to walk through this guide as it is or pick and choose based on your family. As always, your discipleship of your children is of utmost importance, Vintage is here to partner in that walk. Add, continue conversations, and enhance through family time this week. Let us know how we can help!


Verse To Memorize With Your Kids:

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you. (Psalm 89:14)

Use our resources below and print our memory verse out for your child to decorate and hang somewhere where you will see it and decorate it. Use the Memory Verse practice page to help you and your child pull the verse apart and think about what each piece of the verse means. Understanding of the verse will help in committing it to memory- not only of the head but also of the heart. If you don’t have a printer, feel free to write it on a piece of paper and work on it there!

Want to practice online? Visit our Learn Scripture Site.



Catechism Question To Review As A Family:

Question 42: How is the Word of God to be read and heard?

Answer: With diligence, preparation, and prayer; so that we may accept it with faith, store it in our hearts, and practice it in our lives.


Join us in worship using this video. 

Catechism & Lessons (have your Bible ready!):

Want to engage in the lesson but looking for a different format? Join us on our Vintage Kids Podcast as we share the lesson in a short, family friendly way that allows you to listen on a walk, before dinner, or in the car.

Vintage Kids Podcast

Super short lessons follow the same Scripture that’s taught on Sunday in a kid-friendly format. Now available here, on the Vintage Church app, or Spotify, and coming soon to Apple Podcasts!

Watch the video of a vintage volunteer going over how to do the craft, the HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Megaphone. Before you begin grab a grown up and see if you can find the following supplies around the house!

Before you begin gather

Construction Paper
Decorating Supplies

Print the following coloring sheets to color today.