Welcome to Job
The problem of suffering has plagued humanity since the Fall. We trust things of this world, and when they don’t deliver, we are left bitter, sad and confused. This is no different for children- and the question is- how do we meet our children where they are and answer the question of how we deal with pain, suffering, and even the feeling of sadness and hopelessness head on and in an honest way. What better way than Job? This faithful servant loses everything of this world as well as hope. What will happen to Job—will he hope in the Lord? In himself? Or nothing at all? Our theme over this book is two-fold. One, we want to repeat over and over throughout this book: I can trust God when I’m happy and when I am sad. We want our children to know that they are allowed to feel what they feel and even articulate those feelings. We also want our children to know that their blessings are not dependent on how good they are. (Practically, as believers, we may not articulate this but we often live out of this theology. I helped this person so surely God will reward me. I gave this much money so won’t I receive a raise?) We have to fight against this kind of mindset ourselves, so we have to be sure we are teaching our kids the goodness of Jesus even in this difficult Old Testament book on suffering. We long to push our youngest Vintage Doubters, Seekers, and Followers to truly find hope in Christ by showing them the true source of hope through this series. Continue these conversations at home, using the resources found here.



Catechism Question To Review As A Family:

Question 1: What is our only hope in life and death?

Answer: That we are not our own but belong to God.


Verse to Memorize:

We have a new memory verse this week to go with our series in Job! Print our Memory verse page for elementary kids or an easier version for your younger kids, and hang it somewhere where you can practice daily! Also, tune in to our memory verse song at the end of the lesson for a song to help you memorize!

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.


Watch this video from one of our Vintage Volunteers. Have your bible ready! Lesson and worship attached here:

Want to engage in the lesson but looking for a different format? Join us on our Vintage Kids Podcast as we share the lesson in a short, family friendly way that allows you to listen on a walk, before dinner, or in the car.

Vintage Kids Podcast

Super short lessons follow the same Scripture that’s taught on Sunday in a kid-friendly format. Now available here, on the Vintage Church app, or Spotify, and coming soon to Apple Podcasts!

Activity with Your Kids:

God is in control Puzzle

You will need: Puzzle printable, crayons or markers, bag to keep pieces in.

Give each kid their puzzle outline. Discuss how we learned today that God is in control- that he holds all pieces together even when we can’t see the big picture. God created the earth, the oceans, the sky, the clouds. He created you and me and he created Job- who we have been learning about. When we see just one part of the story (you can hold up part of a puzzle piece) it may not make sense. Job was seeing just a small part of the puzzle. BUT when we see the whole puzzle- we see this beautiful picture of what God is doing and teaching us! Remember that God has the whole plan- and that is what our puzzle will remind us today.