
1305 W Club Blvd, Durham, NC

Sunday service 10a

Vintage Church is a church of doubters, seekers, and followers who are striving to know, live and advance the gospel. All are welcome with no prerequisite of church background or prior belief. We would love to have you visit our church – we cherish all ages, stages, and races.

Connect With Us

This is the form to fill out if you are new and want more information, if you’re a regular and ready to go deeper, or if you’re a member and need to submit a change of address, etc. If you have a need, this is the place!

Stay in the Loop

Stay up to date on all the latest going on at Vintage Church. This weekly email goes out every Friday morning with the most up to date events, announcements, and more! 

Events coming up at DURHAM

Women’s Ministry: Spiritual Formation Series

Thursdays, 9/19-10/17

All women are invited to  join us for a five-week series on Spiritual Formation. We will discuss a different topic each week as well as have time for fellowship and prayer. Topics will include: Prayer/Meditation, Rest/Solitude/Sabbath, Creativity/Worship, Study, and Celebration. Questions? Please text Meagan Gilbert at 919-599-5632.

Vintage Kids + Students Fall Retreat

Friday, September 13 - Sunday, September 15
Camp Willow Springs

Vintage Kids grades 3-5, and Vintage Students grades 6-12, will be going on their fourth annual Fall Retreat! It will be a weekend filled with friendship, worship, delicious food, field games, canoeing, large and small group activities, and much more! For just $150 all food, lodging, transportation will be provided. And don’t forget the best part - a t-shirt! Mark your calendars and RSVP here! Questions? Please email Kayla Pleasants.

Zacchaeus Climbing Meet-up

Every 4th Sunday, 3-5p
Triangle Rock Club Durham

We’re all just trying to be a little more than Zacchaeus and get to a better glimpse of Jesus! Join us at Triangle Rock Club and as we climb and hang out. Everyone is invited! Questions? Please reach out to Shawn Curtis.

Intro to Vintage

Sunday, September 15, 12-2p
Vintage Durham

Join us after the service for a low key and casual lunch with some of the Vintage Durham leaders to discover more about who we are as a church, and why we do what we do. We will discuss our DNA, what we believe, our history, and what it means to be a member of Vintage Church. We will have an optional Q&A session and discussion following lunch. No childcare. Please RSVP to Phil Lauria!

Vintage Kids Volunteers

Sunday, September 29, 11:30a
Vintage Durham // Cafeteria

Calling all Vintage Kids volunteers! Join us for an essential ministry meeting to connect, share updates, and equip ourselves for the upcoming season. This is a great opportunity to gather, align focus, and strengthen our mission to make much of Jesus in the lives of our kids. We value your dedication and look forward to growing together. Please RSVP to Brian Perry to confirm your attendance. See you there!

Recurring Events - Durham

Vintage Kids

Vintage Kids will be offered every Sunday of the month. Little Kids (infants to age 3) will be in classes all service. Big Kids (Pre-K- 5th grade) will begin the service with their families and following the music then can join Vintage Kids. If you are interested in volunteering please email Phil Lauria.

Thursday Prayer

Thursdays, 7p

There is power in prayer, and we are eager to talk to the Lord together. Join us every Thursday evening as we bring our requests to Him and seek His wisdom, guidance, and peace. All are welcome to participate! Zoom link coming soon!

Sunday Morning Prayer

Durham is holding prayer gatherings in back kids room (1305 W Club Blvd., Durham, NC, 27705) on Sunday mornings at 9:30a to pray for the church and the city.

Men’s Ministry

Every 6 Weeks 
Rotates Locations

Our hope at Vintage Church is that our relationships would go beyond a Sunday morning. These monthly gatherings are an opportunity to come together and pray for one another, study scripture, and build authentic friendships. Please contact Peyton Gilbert for more information. Upcoming dates: 6/29, 8/10, 9/21, 11/2, and 12/14.

Vintage Durham Needs Ministry

"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common." - Acts 4:32. As we are one in Christ, when those of us who make up Vintage Durham find ourselves in need of something, we all share in that need. Whether it is a meal, childcare, furniture, transportation, or something completely different, our desire as a church is to come alongside one another. You can share your needs here by simply filling out this confidential form. If you are someone who is in a position where you would like to aid others in their time of need, please email Phil Lauria to help provide assistance.

Women’s Ministry

Every 6 Weeks
Rotates Locations

Vintage desires that women be in a meaningful community with one another. Join us for friendship-focused events on the first Saturday of each month as we hang out, serve the community, and grow deeper in faith and friendship. Each meeting will be a little different, stay tuned for more details! Contact Meagan Gilbert for more information. Upcoming dates: 6/8, 7/20, 8/31, 10/12, and 11/23.

Durham staff & elders

Shaun Cross

Shaun Cross

Lead Pastor

Brian Perry

Brian Perry

Lay Elder

Drew Jackson

Drew Jackson

Lay Elder

Phil Lauria

Phil Lauria

Associate Pastor