Chapel Hill / Carrboro
100 A Hillview St. Carrboro, NC, 27510
Sunday service 10a
Vintage Church is a church of doubters, seekers, and followers who are striving to know, live and advance the gospel. All are welcome with no prerequisite of church background or prior belief. We would love to have you visit our church – we cherish all ages, stages, and races.
Connect With Us
This is the form to fill out if you are new and want more information, if you’re a regular and ready to go deeper, or if you’re a member and need to submit a change of address, etc. If you have a need, this is the place!
There is a gravel lot beside the church as well as on-street paralell parking. Note that parking on Pleasant Drive is not permitted. There is a municipal parking lot off N Greensboro Street within walking distance.
Vintage Church Chapel Hill / Carrboro
Carrboro Municipal Parking Lot
Worship Set List
While worship is not limited to singing and music, we do hope that playing these songs throughout your week will help you engage in continual worship with the Lord. We hope through both the music and the words of these songs that you are reminded of God’s goodness and love.
Stay in the Loop
Stay up to date on all the latest going on at Vintage Church. This weekly email goes out every Friday morning with the most up to date events, announcements, and more!
Events coming up at Chapel hill | carrboro
Intro to Vintage
Sunday, September 29, 12p
Marissa’s Home
Join us after the service for a low key and casual lunch with some of the Vintage Chapel Hill/Carrboro leaders to discover more about who we are as a church, and why we do what we do. We will discuss our DNA, what we believe, our history, and what it means to be a member of Vintage Church. A childcare stipend is available to any families who attend. Text Brian Pell at 630-347-7585 for address details.
Creative Collective
Saturday, October 12, 3-5p
Blaylocks Home
There are a lot of creative people in our church, and we want to help them connect over the things they’re making. There are writers and painters and photographers and musicians. This event is exploratory and will allow people to share and collaborate on whatever they’re working on! Please contact AJ Blaylock at 622-315-8450 for more information.
Sunday, October 19, 9-10:30a
Perry’s Home
Selah is an intentionally carved out time to listen to Scripture read aloud and spend time in solitude hearing from the Lord or simply resting in his presence. Snacks and coffee will be provided and you may want to bring a Bible and journal. Text Des at 919-880-7140 with any questions
Tie Dye
Have you noticed all the tie dye around here? It’s because a person in our church really knows his stuff. So, a couple times a year we turn it into a thing. If you want to make some tie dye, email Brian about it. Once we have enough interested people, we’ll set a date and make it happen.