Welcome to the Cross:
In a season of Easter Egg Hunts and the Easter Bunny, it is easy for kids to forget the reason the Easter season exists. As we come out of a series on suffering and what it looks like for God to meet us in the middle of our suffering, this comes to life in the walk of our Savior to the cross. This series will begin with a look into our own lives, asking Why does Jesus need to go to the cross? What is sin and why does it matter? No matter what age your child, if we don’t talk about sin and we don’t make it clear that we are not perfect, but Jesus is perfect, the cross is just another story like the Easter Bunny. As we make our way through this series our goal is never to live in a world of shame, but live in a world where we highlight how great Jesus is, how only through love he came to earth and lived a perfect life, and how only through this love and sacrifice can we, from toddlers to adults, be made perfect. If you feel like you are repeating the phrases “Jesus lived a perfect life,” “Jesus died for our sins,” “Jesus is alive,” then you are doing it right. We want our kids to walk away from this series knowing the basic truths of faith and that, in spite of the suffering they face in the world, Jesus is greater.
Catechism Question To Review As A Family:
Question 24: Why is it necessary for Christ, the redeemer, to die?
Answer: Since death is the punishment for sin, Christ died willingly in our place to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin and bring us back to God.
Verse to Memorize:
Romans 5:19 For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.
This is our last Sunday to memorize Romans 5:19. As you your kids share their memory verse celebrate with them all of the hard work they put into memorizing, as well as the gift of Jesus we see in Romans 5:19!
Watch this video from one of our Vintage Volunteers. Have your bible ready!
Want to engage in the lesson but looking for a different format? Join us on our Vintage Kids Podcast as we share the lesson in a short, family friendly way that allows you to listen on a walk, before dinner, or in the car.
Vintage Kids Podcast
Super short lessons follow the same Scripture that’s taught on Sunday in a kid-friendly format. Now available here, on the Vintage Church app, or Spotify, and coming soon to Apple Podcasts!
Activity with Your Kids
Easter Coloring Book
Print the Easter Coloring Book and enjoy celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with your family!
Coloring Page