Ministries at Durham
We pray because the Triune God has created us for relationship with him. We grow stronger in our relationship with him when we spend time with him. How do we spend time with him? We pray.
We pray because we love the Lord and want to be with him, and because prayer ushers us into the Lord’s presence. We pray because Jesus commands us to pray and teaches us to pray, and because Jesus invites us to come and be with him. We pray because the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray.
The Bible informs the Vintage Durham prayer ministry. Prayer is worship, confession, thanksgiving and asking. It is sometimes silence, sometimes listening, sometimes speaking. It is sometimes individual, sometimes corporate.
At Vintage Durham, prayer invites the Lord — who is sovereign and already sees and knows and cares for us – into our lives: our joy, our sorrow, our need, our weakness, and our hope. Prayer shows our humility, trust, and faith in the Lord — who created us for His good pleasure. Prayer brings glory and honor to the Lord.
The Vintage Durham prayer team prays for the needs of the Vintage Durham church family.
On Sundays, during the call to respond/communion, the Vintage Durham prayer team is available to pray with individuals who would like to receive prayer.
Every Sunday morning at 9:30a outside the church, all are invited to pray for the church family.
Prayer is sometimes silence, sometimes listening, sometimes speaking. It is sometimes individual, sometimes corporate.

Join us for SUNDAY Morning Prayer before the service outside the church
(1305 W Club Blvd)

“Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.” – Acts 4:32.
As we are one in Christ, when those of us who make up Vintage Durham find ourselves in need of something, we all share in that need. Whether it is a meal, childcare, furniture, transportation, or something completely different, our desire as a church is to come alongside one another. You can share your needs here by simply filling out this confidential form. If you are someone who is in a position where you would like to aid others in their time of need, please email Phil Lauria to help provide assistance.