Kids & Families at Durham

The Vintage Durham Kids Ministry exists to make much of Jesus with the children in our care. It’s the same goal we have with our adults, just age appropriate. For this reason, we have the big kids join us each service for singing and prayer. Afterward, we dismiss them to class where they learn God’s word and respond to God’s word. Each week our kids take time to hear God’s word and learn about who God is, together. Then, they respond and reinforce that learning through activities and crafts. We would love to invite your children to participate, learn, and play with us on Sundays. If you have any questions please email or chat with our Kids Ministry Coodinator, Brian Perry at

At Vintage Church we believe children are a gift from God, and it is our joy to partner with you as you raise your kids to know and love the gospel. We believe family worship is a beautiful picture for our children of what it looks like to walk in faith in Jesus. Family worship doesn’t have to be daunting; it stands on 3 main pillars of singing, reading, and praying as a family. We know that being a parent is a dance between exhaustion and a never-ending pile of laundry while also pouring your heart into your family that you love more than you can explain. Join with us as we walk together. Look through our resources and begin to create a familiar rhythm within your house. These resources are not created as a checklist you must utilize in order. They are created as a supplement to help guide and enhance your time at home with your children, whatever age and understanding. The most important piece of family worship is the time you spend modeling, sharing, talking, repenting, and learning with your children. Will it be messy? You bet. Will there be days you don’t have the answers. Plan on it. Will you learn as much as your children? Probably so. Take the first step in your home and see how much the Lord grows you and your family. We can’t wait to take this journey with you.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)


Vintage Kids YouTube

All previous video content (lessons, worship, and craft videos) are available on the Vintage Kids Playlist on the Vintage Church YouTube.

New Family Registration

Any new families are invited to complete the form below in an effort to save you time on Sunday morning. 

Overview of Vintage Durham’s Kids Ministry

When I arrive, where should I go?

Upon entering the building, turn left down the main hall and you’ll see the kids & families check-in table. After checking your child in, you’ll be directed by a team member to the appropriate classroom for your child.

How do I check in my child for the first time?

At the check-in table, use an available iPad to fill out the appropriate information for each child as well as your contact information. When you finish the process, a sticker for each child and the adult who checks them in will be printed. Adhere the sticker to the corresponding child and hold on to the parent sticker, you’ll need that to get your child after the service has completed.

What classes are available?

We currently offer a little kids (infant to 3 yrs) and a big kids (pre-k- 5th grade) class. We are hoping to break the big kids into two classes (grades pre-k-2 and  3-5) soon.

What will my child do or learn?

Littles: They will play, color, hear stories and/or sing songs.

Bigs: They will read and discuss the same passage that their parents are studying in the service as well as doing corresponding activities and crafts. Afterword, weather permitting, they may go out to the playground to play.

Who will be in the room with my child?

There will always be 2-3 volunteers in each classroom. Our volunteers serve roughly once per month and have all completed background checks, recurring training, and instruction on our policies and procedures.

Will my child be served a snack?

No, a snack will not be provided.