

Vintage Church is excited to gather in groups, both large and small, serving and growing, all in the name of Jesus. Although the events below are sorted according to our four church locations, all are welcome at any events, whether or not you have ever set foot in a Vintage Church building. You belong here.

Keep up with us on social media to stay in the loop!

Featured Events – Downtown

Members Night

Wednesday, March 26, 7p 
1880 Room

There is value in coming together as members for fellowship, worship, and discussion. We ask that at least one member from each household make an effort to attend as we share updates on current happenings, and future events. It is also a great opportunity to pray as a church, and ask the Lord to guide and direct us. We always end with a time for Q&A. Childcare and refreshments will be provided.

5 Minute Baptism Class

Sunday, April 6 & 13 
Vintage Downtown 

If you have ever had questions about baptism: What is baptism? Why is it important? Who can be baptized? What if I was baptized as a kid? --- We would love to help answer these great questions. Drop by the Info Table after the services for a five minute overview of baptism and to connect with someone on staff who would be happy to discuss any next steps! We can't wait to celebrate Baptism Sunday on Easter morning!

Good Friday 

Friday, April 18, 6:30-8:30p
1880 Room

Join us for a unique and powerful evening.

Through visual art, prayer, and worship, we will immerse ourselves in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. This gallery-style walkthrough experience provides space to slow down, reflect on His sacrifice, and sit in the weight of Good Friday together. All are welcome—invite a friend and come ready to engage with the story of Jesus. Come and go anytime between 6:30–8:30p. No RSVP required. No childcare will be provided. Questions? Contact Aly Gabriel.

Easter + Baptism Sunday

Sunday, April 20, see below
Venture Hall // IMAX 

Easter Sunday will be one of our most exciting Sundays of the year where we gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Because of this act, we can experience new life in Jesus, and we commemorate that through baptism. We look forward to celebrating the hope we have in Jesus, and encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to this special day! If you’re interested in being baptized, please email Eric Spivey for more information. 

6:30a - Moore Square
8:30a - Venture Hall (Baptisms)
9:00a - IMAX
9:45a - Venture Hall (Baptisms)
10:15a - IMAX
11:00a - Venture Hall (Baptisms)

CG Connect Class

Wednesday, April 23 // 7-8:30p
Upstairs Classroom

Community groups at Vintage are small groups that gather regularly to learn from the Bible and from each other. Looking to join one? Jump in for this 90 minute class where Eric, our community groups pastor, will talk about how following Jesus drives us into deep, meaningful friendships, with opportunities to build community on the spot and get connected to existing CGs. Please RSVP here. Childcare can be provided upon request in the RSVP above.

Raleigh Iron Works Social

Friday, April 25 | 6-8p
Raleigh Iron Works  

Join us for a laid-back evening at Raleigh Iron Works! Grab dinner, ice cream, or a drink from Ponysaurus, and meet us in the common area (look for the red slide). This is a great chance to connect with others from Vintage, build community, and invite your Love One into a welcoming, no-pressure space. Everyone is welcome—whether you’ve been at Vintage for years or are just checking things out. See you there!

Campout with Dad

Friday and Saturday, May 9 +10
Jordan Lake

All dads, grandads, or male guardians are invited to bring the kids for a night to remember under the stars. Vintage will provide meals and good times! You will be responsible for bringing a tent, sleeping bag and other camping gear. Set-up will start at 3pm on Friday and everyone will pack up and leave by 12pm on Saturday. The cost is $40 per family. Questions? Please email Lizzie Merritt. You can find more details and sign-up here! 

Bowling with Mom  

Friday, May 30, 5:30-7:30p
Buffaloe Lanes South

Moms, grandmoms, and female guardians—grab your kids and join us for a fun night of bowling and connection! We’ll gather at Buffaloe Lanes South at 5:30p and start bowling at 6p. This is a great chance to hang out, have some laughs, and enjoy time together as a Vintage family. The cost is $10 per person and will cover lane and shoe rental. Concessions will be available for purchase. Questions? Please email Lizzie Merritt. Ready to dig out your bowl and dust off your shoes? RSVP here! 

VBS - Save the Date!

July 21-25
Vintage Downtown

Vintage Church Downtown is looking forward to another incredible week of Vacation Bible School. From July 21-25 all kiddos ages 4 through 5th graders are invited to participate in a week filled with daily bible lessons, crafts, music, activities, and more. For now we encourage you to save the date and be thinking about who you might want to invite to join your kids! Registration will go live here on June 1st. Our Vintage VBS week is not possible without many amazing volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Lizzie Merritt to learn more. 


Vintage Students

Meeting from 6:15-8p in 1880 Room
Vintage Students exists to partner with families to create an environment where every student is known, cared for, and loved. Students are welcome with no prerequisite of church background or prior belief. It is a place where we encourage middle and high-schoolers to bring their faith and their doubt as they seek to make sense of who Jesus says he is. We disciple students through large group teaching, small groups, intentional relationship building, and special events. For more information or to stay connected, please email Nelson Pacheco, the Vintage Student Director, or follow us on Instagram @Vintagestudentsnc.

High School Hangs

Rotates Monthly
Crouch Family Home

High school students, this one’s for you! Join us for High School Hangs, a monthly gathering hosted by Matt and Amy Crouch. Enjoy a relaxed evening with friends, featuring games like ping pong and darts, a cozy fire, or a movie night. Food and drinks will be provided, making this the perfect way to unwind and connect. Student volunteers will be there, and parents are welcome to stay if they’d like. Come hang out and have some fun! For more details, contact Nelson Pacheco Upcoming dates: 1/24, 2/21, 3/21.

Vintage Men Weekly Gathering

Tuesday mornings, 7-8am
Vintage Downtown - Downstairs K-2 room
At this weekly meeting men at Vintage Downtown gather to catch up, pray for one another, and hear from the Bible. The goal of our time together is to build authentic friendships that help us strengthen and encourage one another as we follow Jesus together. If you're interested in joining the gathering, email Seth at

Vintage College

Vintage College is a gathering for doubters, seekers, and followers of Jesus. Our mission is to grow deeper in our understanding of who he is, and help one another grow as disciples of Jesus. We believe that Jesus is worthy of our lives, and hope that college students at Vintage Church will come to know the gospel, live the gospel, and advance the gospel to the ends of the earth. Click here to learn more about Vintage College or email Haily Jacobs to get involved.  

Vintage College Night

Last Wednesday of the Month, 7:30-9p
Upstairs Classroom 

College students, join us for a monthly gathering designed just for you! Enjoy an evening of games, worship, and the chance to hear from Vintage staff or members as they share their wisdom and encouragement. This is a great opportunity to connect with friends, grow in your faith, and build community. No RSVP is needed—just come as you are! For more details, email Haily Jacobs. Upcoming dates: 1/29, 2/26, 4/30

Homeschool Family Meetup

October - April, 2nd Fridays, 9:30-11:30a
Vintage Downtown

Calling all homeschooling families at Vintage! Join us each month for a time of fellowship, support, and connection. We’ll sing together, memorize scripture, do crafts, enjoy snacks, and play with one another. It’s a great opportunity for parents and kids to connect and build community.A $5 per family fee covers snacks and craft supplies will be collected at each session. Please RSVP here. Reach out to Johna Schildroth with any questions.

Events coming up at North

Equip Class: 

Sundays, March 2 - April 6, 2024
8:45 - 9:30a
Vintage Church North

Join us for a six-week class as we dive into the book of Acts and its role in shaping the New Testament. The book of Acts spans from the ascension of Jesus to Paul’s arrival in Rome, providing crucial background for understanding the rest of the New Testament. This class is open to adults and teenagers, and we’ll also be offering a Kids Equip Class for elementary-age kids., Childcare will be available for preschoolers. No registration is required—just come ready to learn! If you have questions, or want to learn more please contact Jared Trumbo.

Ladies Brunch

Saturday, March 15, 10a
Trumbo House

Ladies, join us for a morning filled with fellowship, joy, and meaningful connection! This will be a sweet time to relax, enjoy good food, and build community with other women at Vintage. Questions? Please contact MC Collins.

Sunday Lunch

Sunday, March 16, 11:30a
Trinity Academy

Join us for lunch after the service as we make time and space to welcome New Members to Vintage North! We are so grateful for the kindness Jesus has shown us in bringing new members to North! The Lord continues to bless us with and we want to celebrate and give a warm welcome to our newest family members. Lunch will be provided and everyone is welcome. 

Good Friday Gathering

Friday, April 18, 6:30p
Vintage North

We gather on Good Friday to remember and reflect on the death of Jesus on the cross. This somber service will be contemplative in nature. Our desire is to provide a space to think deeply about the cost our Savior paid on our behalf for our salvation. Childcare will not be provided.


Easter + Baptism Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 10a
Vintage North

He is risen! Jesus conquered death and provided a way out of sin. Come celebrate the victorious triumph. Because of the great love Jesus demonstrated, we can be forgiven of our sins and have a new life! If you are interested in being baptized, please reach out to Jared TrumboWe look forward to celebrating the hope we have in Jesus, and encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to this special day! 

Recurring Events - North

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday Morning, 7a
Beow’s Books & Brew - Creedmoor Rd

We were created by a faithful, loving God who invites us to pray and assures us he’s listening. When we consider who God is and what he has done, why wouldn’t we go to him with all our lives? All are welcome to join us as we pray for the church and our city on Wednesday mornings at Beow’s Books & Brew rain or shine.


Men's Ministry

Fourth Monday of each month, 7:30p
Vintage North
All men are invited to come checkout this monthly rhythm of gathering together. We take time to hang out, laugh, develop friendships, study scripture, and pray for one another. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth or simply a place to belong, these gatherings promise a welcoming space to be a part of. Upcoming dates: 3/24, 4/28, 5/19. Please email Luke Stevens for address details.

Vintage Students

Vintage Students are passionate about our mission, our students, and our amazing God! We believe that Jesus revolutionized the world through something we often take for granted: the power of students. We’ve created an environment where every student involved is known, cared for, and loved. Join us every Sunday from 5:30-7p. Email Nolan McKenna for the location and any other questions.

Dessert Discussions

Monthly, Monday evenings, 7:00p
MC Collins’ Home 

All women of Vintage North and any other ladies are invited to join us in a monthly, Monday evening rhythm while we enjoy dessert, and work through the The Bible Recap as we aim to read, understand, and love the Bible! Upcoming dates: 1/13, 2/17, 3/21, and 4/21. Please email MC Collins for address details.

Events coming up at Durham

Quarterly Potluck

Sunday, March 30, 12-2p
Vintage Durham

Join us for an afternoon of family, fellowship, and food! Bring your favorite dish to share as we hang out, let the kids play, and enjoy one another outside of our regular Sunday morning gathering. Questions? Please email Phil Lauria. Let us know what you’re bringing here!

Intro to Vintage

Sunday, April 6, 11:30a
Vintage Durham

Join us after the service for a low key and casual lunch with some of the Vintage Durham leaders to discover more about who we are as a church, and why we do what we do. We will discuss our DNA, what we believe, our history, and what it means to be a member of Vintage Church. Childcare will not be provided. Please email Phil Lauria  if you would like to attend.

Good Friday Gathering

Friday, April 18, 6:30p
Vintage Durham

We gather on Good Friday to remember and reflect on the death of Jesus on the cross. Stations of the Cross will be available for contemplative reflection beginning at 6:30p and the formal gathering will begin at 7p. This somber service will be introspective and meditative in nature. Our desire is to provide a space to think deeply about the cost our Savior paid on our behalf for our salvation. Childcare for infants will be provided. 

Easter + Baptism Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 10a
Vintage Durham

He is risen! Jesus conquered death and provided a way out of sin. Come celebrate the victorious triumph. Because of the great love Jesus demonstrated, we can be forgiven of our sins and have a new life! If you are interested in being baptized, please reach out to Shaun CrossWe look forward to celebrating the hope we have in Jesus, and encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to this special day! 

Recurring Events - Durham

Vintage Kids

Vintage Kids will be offered every Sunday of the month. Little Kids (infants to age 3) will be in classes all service. Big Kids (Pre-K- 5th grade) will begin the service with their families and following the music then can join Vintage Kids. If you are interested in volunteering please email Phil Lauria.

Student Gathering

First Friday of Each Month, 6:30-9:00 PM 
Vintage Durham

Students in grades 6-12 are invited to our monthly night of fun, discussion, and fellowship. If you are not able to attend on Sundays, or just want extra hang time, this is a great space to build friendships, grow in faith, and have a blast. No RSVP or cost—just show up! Got questions? Please email Phil Lauria. Upcoming dates: 4/11, 5/2 (will take a break for June & July)


Sunday Morning Prayer

Durham is holding prayer gatherings in back kids room (1305 W Club Blvd., Durham, NC, 27705) on Sunday mornings at 9:30a to pray for the church and the city.

Women’s Ministry

Vintage Durham

At Vintage Church Durham, women gather to build community, serve the city, and grow spiritually. Through events and gatherings, we encourage connection and meaningful friendships, create opportunities to love our neighbors, and deepen our understanding of God’s Word. Whether we’re serving our community, meeting for Bible studies, or just sharing life together, there’s always a place for you. Join us as we pursue Jesus together! Upcoming dates: 4/12, 5/31. For more details on upcoming women’s events, contact Meagan Gilbert.

Vintage Durham Needs Ministry

"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common." - Acts 4:32. As we are one in Christ, when those of us who make up Vintage Durham find ourselves in need of something, we all share in that need. Whether it is a meal, childcare, furniture, transportation, or something completely different, our desire as a church is to come alongside one another. You can share your needs here by simply filling out this confidential form. If you are someone who is in a position where you would like to aid others in their time of need, please email Phil Lauria to help provide assistance.

Zacchaeus Climbing Meet-up

Every 4th Sunday, 3-5p
Triangle Rock Club Durham

We’re all just trying to be a little more than Zacchaeus and get to a better glimpse of Jesus! Join us at Triangle Rock Club and as we climb and hang out. Everyone is invited! Questions? Please reach out to Shawn Curtis.

Men’s Ministry

Vintage Durham

At Vintage Church Durham, men come together to build authentic relationships, serve the city, and grow in their faith. Through events, service opportunities, and small group gatherings, we foster meaningful connections, challenge each other to follow Jesus, and live out our calling to love our neighbors. Whether it’s serving alongside one another, diving into scripture, or simply sharing life, there’s a place for you here. Join us as we pursue Jesus together! Upcoming dates: 3/29, 5/16, 6/21, 8/2. For more details on upcoming men’s events, contact Peyton Gilbert.

Events coming up at Chapel Hill | Carrboro

Book & Brunch Club

Saturday, April 5, 9:30a
Guglhupf Restaurant in Durham

Love books and brunch? Come and enjoy your Saturday morning eating brunch with friends while you share your hot take on this month’s book! Text Micheala for more information at 217-508-9068.

Good Friday Dinner

Friday, April 18, 6p

As Jesus prepared for his arrest and crucifixion, he gathered his closest friends to partake of a meal together. In the same tradition, we gather in one another’s homes every Good Friday to break bread and remember our Savior through community. If you want to join us in celebrating God’s goodness over some home cooked food, reach out to Ty or Brian for the address.

Easter + Baptism Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 10a
Vintage Chapel Hill/Carrboro

He is risen! Jesus conquered death and provided a way out of sin. Come celebrate the victorious triumph. Because of the great love Jesus demonstrated, we can be forgiven of our sins and have a new life! If you are interested in being baptized, please reach out to Brian PellWe look forward to celebrating the hope we have in Jesus, and encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to this special day! 


April 27, After Church

Come have lunch with us after church! Joe will be grilling out for us! Bring yourself and if you are able, a side to share with others. We can’t wait to spend some time enjoying a meal together. Reach out to Ty or Brian for further details on location.

Tie Dye

Have you noticed all the tie dye around here? It’s because a person in our church really knows his stuff. So, a couple times a year we turn it into a thing. If you want to make some tie dye, email Brian about it. Once we have enough interested people, we’ll set a date and make it happen.

Recurring Events – Chapel Hill

Open-Door Dinner

Every Other Tuesday Evening, 5:45p
Hacker’s Home

Community and food are essential parts of the life of the church. Come by and enjoy conversation, good company, and a meal together! Can you help bring/ make food? Text Sarah Shumate at 239-641-1773 for details or questions.


Guy Prayer

Friday Mornings, 7:45a
Hacker’s Home

Guys, join us for a time of prayer. Can’t come every week? No worries, just join as you are able. Text Drew at 805-217-4077 for details or questions.


Girl Prayer & Pastries

Every Other Sunday Evening, 6:30p
The Hayes Home

Ladies, come pray with other women and enjoy a sweet treat, too!  Text Layne at (919) 708-2753 for details or questions.



Wednesdays, 8-12p
Blaylock’s Home

With all of the professionals and students in our church that do work remotely, we’re going to create a time and place this summer that will allow for relational connection while we do our work. There’ll be coffee and wifi, and we’ll do good work alongside one another. Contact AJ Blaylock at (622) 315-8450 for more information.

Community Groups – Chapel Hill

Community Group

Sunday Evenings, 6p
The Hacker Home

If you’re interested in building relationships and learning more about the practices of Jesus, this group is for you. We’ll be diving deep into the Practicing the Way materials, and If it’d be helpful to you to have a rhythm to read and learn and connect with others, then come through. Text Drew at (805) 217-4077 for more details.